© 2022-2023 UB Campus Dining & Shops

Fall 2023: Introducing UBDining.com

In 2022, Marketing decided they wanted to split the Dining portions of myubcard.com to a new website, ubdining.com. Our dev and I took all of the pages that correspond more with dining than UB Card stuff and moved it all over to this website.
To make sure students & staff get acclimated with the fact that there are two websites now, the dropdown for myubcard.com is planning to stay the same for at least one semester (Fall 2023). Each page that would now be on ubdining.com would link out to its corresponding page there, and vice versa. There’s only a few on ubdining.com that would link out to myubcard and those are mainly about the Meal Plans, since you have to use your UB Card account to purchase meal plans and add funds to your non-meal plan accounts.
We still of course needed to keep everything within UB brand guidelines, but I was able to make a bunch of new re-design changes. Below are the important pages that got the biggest re-hauls.


UBDining.com homepage


Navigation dropdown styling


CDS Alert styling


“What’s Open?”/All Locations page


Now each dining unit has their own unique information page. Before, we had a popup when you clicked a location on the Locations pages, which possibly confused screen readers and usability in general.


Each campus now has their own separate Locations page. This is the North Campus example of the styling.


Even before the pandemic, Marketing wasn’t really making many press releases anymore. With the re-haul of the News page, we’re hoping those can be more of a thing again.


News article example


Brand new Our Team page. This way we can showcase key players in our company a lot better and customers can see who’s really behind all of our great work!


Employee bio example


Events page re-design


Menu page re-design. These items are pulled from what ever the dining managers set up on their dining cycles within our internal program EZ Menus.


Brand new video gallery page. We can link to YouTube videos and have them show up here.


Video gallery popup example.


Brand new photo gallery page.


Photo gallery example. Photos would pop up individually on click like the video gallery videos.



MyUBCard 2023 re-design

Because myubcard.com would be lacking in content after the switch, and just to keep everything looking consistent, we also have to re-design that website as well. Below are the important pages that would be getting the biggest re-hauls.


MyUBCard.com homepage


Meal Plans page with fresh styling.


A more condensed page explaining meals and non-meal plan accounts a bit more. Previously, we had each of these on a separate page.